Magnar (The Wolves of Clan Sutherland Book 1) Read online

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  “Then there is hope Magnar will accept the new religion?” Elspeth was moved by the man’s words.

  Narrowing his eyes, he answered, “Sadly, nae. Magnar is rooted in ancient beliefs. He only gives respect to our beliefs. If I may ask, can you live with a man—”

  “A heathen?” she interjected.

  The man grimaced but added nothing further.

  Elspeth returned her gaze to the water, allowing the gentle rhythm to ease her disquiet. Her mind continued to battle with her heart, and she suspected it would always be thus. “I married him. Pledged my vows in front of King William and the brotherhood. Nae matter our beliefs, I ken he is a good man. I sensed it after witnessing how he took charge of my nephew.” She drew in a breath and released it slowly. “I can live with Magnar, because I chose to be with him. In the beginning, I fought against it, but I listened to Magnar’s words and made a choice. Though this marriage was thrust upon me—us, I shall continue to stand with my husband.”

  Gunnar surprised her by placing a hand on her shoulder. “You might have been born in Scotland, but on the Orkneyjar Isles, our people would call you a shield-maiden.”

  Giving the man a radiant smile, Elspeth said, “You honor me with your kind words. Thank you for sharing. It has brought me comfort.”

  He shrugged. “I spoke the truth.” He waved his hand outward. “Follow the path of the water around the bend of trees. There you will find your husband. His lesson with Erik has ended.”

  Elspeth stood on her tiptoes and glanced down the stream and then back at him. “How do you ken he’s out there?”

  The man tapped a finger to his nose. “I can smell him. Let him ken his time in the water has ended. ’Tis time we continue on our journey.”

  “Are you giving him an order?” she scolded.

  He chuckled and moved away from her. “Most assuredly. One of my duties is making certain we keep to our schedule.”

  After retrieving her boots, Elspeth wandered along the edge of the stream. Approaching the bend, she was caught unaware by the sudden dip in the land and almost slipped. Recovering quickly, she continued on the narrow pebble path until the view opened up.

  Her breath caught, and she dropped her boots. Mesmerized by the scene in front of her, Elspeth took in Magnar’s mighty form stretched out on his stomach atop a boulder. Not a stitch of clothing covered the man. Words failed her as she continued to rest her gaze on his powerful body. She noted the blue markings across his back, and her fingers itched to trace the interesting patterns. Would he share their meaning? Lowering her gaze farther, heat crept up her neck and flamed her cheeks. Unable to move from her spot, she placed a cool hand on her face to squelch the fire.

  The man tempted her beyond reason. Teased her to touch, taste, and take her fill. Her body ached in places she could not fathom the meaning. Was it wrong to crave her husband? He had been patient, not forceful. Days ago, she thought never to welcome the man to her bed. Yet now?

  “Let us first return to Steinn,” she whispered into the soft summer breeze.

  “Do you find my body pleasing, wife?” asked Magnar.

  Embarrassed she was caught gaping at her husband, Elspeth averted her gaze. Should she even ask how he knew it was her studying him under the branches of the tree? She needed to know. “You can smell me, aye?”

  He laughed boldly.

  Elspeth bit the inside of her cheek to stifle her own laughter.

  When she heard him approaching, she slid him a glance. Wearing only a tunic, the man looked as if he meant to devour her. She steadied her breathing as he came to stand mere inches in front of her. His damp hair was pulled back, and Elspeth noted a scar marring his right temple. Curious, she lifted her hand and traced a path over the jagged rough patch of skin.

  He flinched from her touch but made no effort to move away.

  Slowly, Elspeth’s fingers traveled through the light shadow of beard until they settled on his bottom lip. His tongue slipped out and teased her fingertips.

  Without warning, he grasped her around the waist and pressed her body against his. “You tempt me to undo my vow.”

  “Out here?” she asked, uncertain of his meaning.

  Magnar’s other hand cupped her breast. “Many pleasures can be found in the water, once you are free from clothing.”

  She regarded his features—intense and compelling. Granted she understood part of what her husband was referring to—she found herself gritty from the weather, and Magnar refreshed. “’Tis not fair,” she declared and quickly added, “You were able to swim without any clothing. Whereas, I was kept to the trees.”

  He lowered his head and nipped her lower lip with his teeth. “Why did you not say you wished to bathe? With me?”

  His finger made lazy circles over her breast, and she fought the moan bubbling forth. “I…I believe ’tis time we keep to our schedule,” she mumbled.

  “Agreed.” He lifted his head and smiled.

  Unable to stop herself, Elspeth grasped his tunic and pulled him toward her. Her lips brushed against his as she spoke. “One kiss.”

  His groan swelled all around her as he took her mouth in a fiery blaze of a kiss that curled her toes. She wrapped her arms around his body, opening fully to him. When his tongue delved inside her mouth, Elspeth was shocked at her own eager response. The kiss sent the pit of her stomach into a swirl of pleasure. Magnar smelled like the land and his own male scent, causing her to become dizzy.

  When he broke free from the kiss, he swiftly lifted her into his arms.

  Dazed, Elspeth clung to his shoulders and stared at his rugged face. “What are you doing?”

  His jaw clenched. “One of us needs to be set free.”

  “Gunnar will not be pleased with you breaking the schedule.”

  The growl rumbled low in Magnar’s throat, and a muscle twitched in his jaw. “A word of warning, Elspeth. When you are in my arms, never mention the name of another wolf.”

  Curious, she dared to ask, “Why?”

  “You belong to me—nae other. Even my wolf kens this.”

  As he carried her into the dense pine trees, cool air brushed against Elspeth’s cheeks, soothing the fire on her skin. Birds darted out from tree limbs, shrieking their displeasure at being invaded.

  His steps slowed, and he gently lowered them both to the ground. Magnar leaned against a huge pine and cradled her body on his lap.

  “Why are we here?” she uttered softly.

  His fingers skimmed under her gown and touched her leg. “Do you trust me, Elspeth? To give you pleasure without taking your body?”

  Even though she felt his hard length under her, Elspeth trusted her husband to keep his promise. “Aye,” she affirmed.

  “Keep your focus on my eyes, kærr.”

  Her heart skipped a beat when he called her beloved. Tingling ripples traveled up her body, followed by an ache of longing as his rough fingers trailed a path up her leg. She squirmed, not understanding the feelings coursing through her body.

  Eager to know, she asked, “Wh…what are you doing?”

  His smile came slowly, but he remained silent.

  His warm touch left her breathing heavily, and when his finger swept across her sensitive core, Elspeth arched in pure pleasure and closed her eyes. “Magnar.” She whispered his name on a plea for more.

  “Look at me,” he demanded in a rough voice.

  Her eyes fluttered open to gaze into his. The look of raw need in his eyes should have frightened Elspeth, but she trusted her husband.

  When his finger delved inside her, her grip on his shoulders tightened. A gasp of pleasure fell from her lips, and her nails bit deeper into his tunic. He continued to torment her body in ways she had never imagined. The fever of desire grew and spread throughout her.

  “You are soft, my kærr. Does this please you?”

  Elspeth whimpered, not understanding what was happening to her. She tried to grasp the elusive flame. “More,” she pleaded in desperation.
r />   With a fierce growl, he took possession of her mouth. His tongue sought entry, and she surrendered to the kiss. A pulse of need thrummed between her legs, and she rocked against his hand. When the tide of passion swept across her skin, Elspeth soared on the wave, and uttered a guttural cry as the tremors shook her body. The pleasure lifted her higher as she clung to Magnar.

  Finally spent, Elspeth collapsed against her husband’s chest. Her breathing was ragged as he slowly removed his fingers from her body. She was blissfully contented being held in his massive arms.

  “Are you pleased?” His breath was hot between the curve of her neck and shoulder.

  Slowly, she lifted her head. Staring into his heated gaze, Elspeth felt as weak as a newborn lamb. “Will it always be thus between us?”

  Magnar settled his hands on her hips. “Aye, but you have barely sampled a brief amount of the pleasure I can bring you.”

  She shuddered, aching to learn from him. Did Magnar understand how his touch ignited a powerful need for more? No longer did Elspeth battle against having him in her marriage bed. In truth, she yearned to have him teach her the ways of being a wife—completely.

  The man had awakened the woman in her. There was no going back on her decision—one she was allowed to make.

  Placing her hands on his chest, she started to move against him.

  “Nae,” he ordered in a ragged breath. “My need for you is fierce.” Rubbing his cheek against hers, he whispered, “Unless you want me to claim you swiftly, do not grind into me.”

  Brushing a soft kiss against his skin, she replied, “Once Steinn is under our control, will you teach me more, Magnar?”

  Leaning back, he stared at her for several heartbeats. Cupping her chin, he asked, “You want me in your bed?”

  Removing his hand from her skin, Elspeth placed a kiss inside his palm. Would he think me too brazen? Banishing the thought, she responded, “Aye, husband. Furthermore, I wish you to show me how to pleasure you, too. Tell me your desires.”

  His eyes widened in surprise. Reclaiming her lips, he crushed her to him. The kiss sent her body into a wild swirl all over again, and she let out a moan.

  Abruptly breaking free, he blew out a curse and removed Elspeth from his lap. He stood and turned away. Placing his hands on his hips, he glanced upward. “I shall give you some time to bathe in the water.”

  Her body trembled as she made to stand. “What about our schedule?”

  He raked a hand through his damp locks. “Since we have prolonged our time here, I am positive Gunnar will not cease his grumbling for days.” Shrugging, he added, “Therefore, another hour will not matter.”

  “Will you help me to undress?”

  Magnar chuckled softly.

  Elspeth moved to his side. “I trust you.”

  He reached for her braid and wrapped the end around his fist. “You might. But I do not. I will help you with the outer garment only. ’Tis best if I not look at your bare skin until you are covered by the water.”

  This time, Elspeth was the one who laughed. She knew her husband would not be able to resist a peek at her naked form once he heard a splash of water.

  Chapter Fourteen

  As foretold, Gunnar continued with his relentless objections over Magnar wasting costly travel time. The man snapped, cursed, and gave scathing looks at him at each opportunity. Thankfully, he directed his grumblings toward Magnar and not within hearing of Elspeth. When Gunnar pointed to the setting sun, he raised his fist at him for not reaching the first hill before Steinn.

  Magnar ignored the man completely.

  His thoughts kept returning to his flame-haired wife—images that had him hard all over again. He dared not glance over his shoulder at her. She would only incite his lustful beast further.

  He licked his lips, recalling her ivory, smooth curves entering the stream. Aye, he made a vow not to take her, but that did not mean he would not spare a glance at his wife’s naked form whenever he could. It had taken his utmost control not to step into the water and join her. And more restraint not to watch and bring himself to pleasure. Especially when she’d bent over and splashed water over her taut skin.

  Scrubbing a hand vigorously over his face, he attempted to banish the lustful images.

  A gentle breeze blew past him, sweeping the leaves around the travelers. His wolf sensed the intruder first and lifted his head. Magnar slowed his horse and sniffed the air. With deft skill, he removed his axe from the sheath attached to the side of his horse and brought it across his thighs.

  Rorik flanked his left and kept a slow and steady stride with him. “You ken there is another out there.”

  “Aye.” A tremor of unease settled within Magnar. There was only one wolf not within the brotherhood. Thorfinn!

  “Are you worried?” asked Rorik quietly.

  Magnar shrugged, attempting to ease the tension across his shoulders. “This makes my quest to find my brother much easier. He has come to us.”

  His other men slowed their pace but remained silent. Magnar understood they had sensed this new wolf. Each lifted their heads and inhaled deeply. Ivar let out a low growl.

  They continued on their subdued, easy gallop across the landscape.

  Rorik rubbed a hand over his chin. “You ken what this means?”

  Curling his lip in disgust, Magnar glanced sharply at his friend. “He is a spy for Baardsen.”

  “Or he is with others,” suggested Rorik, scanning the dense trees that hugged the hillside.

  “Nae,” argued Magnar, his fingers tightening on his axe. “Clearly, Thorfinn was the one who followed Elspeth to us—at Castle Vargr. ’Tis what makes sense. He spies in his wolf form for the enemy.”

  “What do you propose we do?” asked Rorik, returning his gaze to Magnar.

  Frustration seethed inside Magnar. Unprepared for this latest interruption on their journey, he spat out a curse and surveyed the region south of Steinn. If they traveled another path, they would be delayed one more day. He kept his sight fixed on their original path. “We shall continue to the first hill. Inform Ivar and Gunnar that they will leave at midnight for Steinn with my terms and those of King William’s to surrender the castle and leave.”

  Smiling slowly, Rorik nodded. “You send the peacemaker and a strong arm.”

  Magnar arched a brow. “Would you have me send Bjorn?”

  Rorik grimaced and scratched behind his ear. “Nae. Most likely blades would be drawn before the man uttered a word. Ivar is nae better, though.”

  “His tongue will remain silent. Ivar can observe the strength, number, and weaknesses within the keep and surrounding area.”

  “What of Thorfinn?”

  Narrowing his eyes, Magnar replied, “Until Steinn is under our control, my brother is the king’s enemy. We must move forward with our plans. Until I ken the true nature of my brother’s actions, I cannot abide his decision to stay with the enemy.”

  Rorik tilted his head to the side and drew in a breath. On the exhale, he said, “The wolf has retreated.”

  “Aye, I sensed his departure as well.” Magnar brought his horse to a halt.

  Soon the others gathered around him. His gaze landed on each of his warriors. “Despite the fact that this other wolf is my brother, you shall consider him the enemy. Our task is to secure Steinn for our king.” He settled his gaze on Erik, adding, “For the new chieftain.”

  “Aye,” responded his warriors in unison.

  After Magnar returned his axe to the side of his horse, he gestured for Rorik to take the lead. “Let us move swiftly away from here.”

  Magnar regarded the frown marring his wife’s features as she drew near him. She waited until the others had moved onward and then reached out to touch his arm. “Your brother rides with Halvard?”

  “I fear ’tis the truth. Can you recall seeing anyone—”

  “Resembling you?” she blurted out. “Nae!” Elspeth dropped her hand and gaped at him. “I would have remembered.”

bsp; Magnar studied his men through the dimming light. “It nae longer matters. We must get to Steinn. I deem Halvard presented your brother with only a few of his men when he entered the keep. Most likely he had other men—including Thorfinn—hiding within and around Steinn. He thought to offer himself in a humble fashion. Your brother was wise in witnessing his true nature.”

  Elspeth leaned forward. “What if there is a battle? What if you must fight Thorfinn?”

  Magnar snorted. The light was fading swiftly, and his men were getting farther ahead. “A plan I have yet to solve, wife. Now off with you.” Giving a smack to her horse, he watched as animal and rider galloped away. He knew one of the wolves would fall back and wait for his wife. And he needed a moment to himself.

  “What shall I do with the traitor, Thor?” he muttered. “Especially one who is my brother?”

  The God of Thunder did not respond.

  Slamming the door on his troubling thoughts, Magnar sped his horse onward.


  Castle Steinn

  “You call this wine, you foul wench?” demanded Halvard.

  “Aye,” she offered meekly, twisting her fingers into the folds of her gown.

  Thorfinn shifted his stance within the great hall. He had given his account, waiting for the information to settle within the man. He clenched his fist repeatedly, noting how Halvard’s fury was now directed toward the thrall serving him wine.

  Tossing the contents of the wine into her face, he raged, “Nothing more than piss! When I find the remainder of the barrels, I will slit your throat and let the ravens drink your blood. Get out and do not return until you have brought me the best Steinn has to offer!”

  Clasping a hand over her throat, the woman paled and scurried out of the hall.

  Halvard glared at him. “Tell me again how many?”