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Trial of a Warrior
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Table of Contents
Praise for Mary Morgan
Trial of a Warrior
Glossary of the Fae Realm
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Note from the Author
Coming in 2019
Chapter One
A word about the author…
Other books by Mary Morgan
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The smile in his eyes contained a sensuous
flame, and she was drawn to him. A soft breeze billowed around them. She ached to press her mouth against his. Just one kiss.
As if reading her thoughts, Liam cupped her chin and stroked his thumb over her bottom lip. “Your mouth begs to be kissed, princess.”
She swallowed and did the unthinkable. “Then kiss me, Liam MacGregor.”
His groan echoed around them as he took possession of her mouth. The kiss sent the pit of her stomach into a wild swirl of delicious sensations. Abela’s body yearned to touch him, so she wrapped her arms around his neck. The contact of his skin against her chest ignited a burning desire for more.
Liam grasped her firmly around the waist with one arm and deepened the kiss. When his silken tongue sought entry, she opened fully to the seduction, tasting wine, apples, and his own scent. His moan resonated deep within her, and she found her body responding to a rhythm as old as the land they lived upon.
Never did Abela imagine the power behind a kiss—seductive, enchanting, shattering, and she craved more.
Liam demanded and Abela surrendered.
When he finally broke free, Liam’s breathing was labored.
“Do not stop,” she pleaded.
His eyes glittered with the light of the stars. “If I continue, I will claim you here upon the ground. I shall take your body and all you have to offer. Are you ready for the claiming?”
Praise for Mary Morgan
“The author pulls you in, and you can feel the world evolving around you, and see it in your mind as you read along. A new-to-me author and it feels like I found a new favorite”.
Cyrene for Uncaged Book Reviews
“I love Mary Morgan’s Dragon Knight series, but I believe this is the best she’s ever written. Weaving mythical lore within a historical romance, blending both Irish and Scottish storylines, I was swept away.”
~N.N. Light Book Heaven
“Well crafted with great world building. The storyline is unpredictable, intriguing and captivating.”
“Mary Morgan is fast becoming my new favourite romance author. DRAGON KNIGHT'S SWORD is an evocative tale that combines historical with fantasy, modern day with old, and it will keep you turning those pages right until the end.”
~Mary Yarde
Trial of a Warrior
Mary Morgan
Legends of the Fenian Warriors
Book 3
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.
Trial of a Warrior
COPYRIGHT © 2018 by Mary Morgan
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or The Wild Rose Press, Inc. except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.
Contact Information: [email protected]
Cover Art by Debbie Taylor
The Wild Rose Press, Inc.
PO Box 708
Adams Basin, NY 14410-0708
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Publishing History
First Fantasy Rose Edition 2018
Print ISBN 978-1-5092-2358-9
Digital ISBN 978-1-5092-2359-6
Legends of the Fenian Warriors, Book 3
Published in the United States of America
To Celtic musicians
who have inspired and fueled my imagination.
My stories reflect the melody of your ancient tunes.
You are my muse.
Glossary of the Fae Realm
Dear Readers,
For those so inclined to learn more about my fantasy Fae Realm and the Fenian Warriors, please refer to the glossary below.
CATHEDRAL OF TREES: A place of worship and where royal ceremonies are held.
COURTS OF THE FAE: Special chambers where the Fae Order discuss and advise on the laws of the land.
FAE APOTHECARY: A special healer and a place where one can purchase or create medicinal herbal remedies.
FAE COUNCIL: A group of nine Fae members who proceed and advise over the laws, especially those governed by the Fenian Warriors.
FENIAN WARRIORS’ POWERS: The powers granted to the Fenian Warriors upon their initiation into the Brotherhood mainly consisted of the ability to travel between Earth’s centuries and to live among the humans without ill effects from the human world. Along with their Fae elemental powers connected to the land and other magical abilities, these warriors were also far stronger than their counterparts in the Fae realm.
HALL OF REMEMBRANCE: A place where the Fae can visit to reflect on their life’s journey through mirrored images.
KEEPER OF KNOWLEDGE: Archibald McKibben, Bard of the Fae. He is responsible for keeping a historical record of all events pertaining to the Fae within both worlds—human and Fae.
LIBRARY OF THE ANCIENTS: All the knowledge the Fae brought with them to Ireland.
PLEASURE GARDENS: A vast, luscious, sensual garden where the Fae may find others for sexual pleasures.
REALM OF SORROWS: When a Fae becomes trapped in his own misery and sorrow. Ultimately, they become a shadow of their former self and go mad.
ROYAL HOUSES: On the planet of Taralyn—the Fae homeland—each of the nine continents maintained a royal house and family. These houses governed their own continents, but all were ruled by the King and Queen of the Fae.
STONE OF AGES: The magical capabilities of the stone could transport members of the Fae royalty to any time-period within the human world. It remained in possession of the Fae King Ansgar until his son Conn's five hundredth year and then was presented to him.
In the beginning…when the world was new, Fae and humans lived peacefully together, but as the centuries passed, fear and distrust ev
olved. The Fae continued to love the humans, but they believed it was time to safeguard the realms. Therefore, they appointed the Fenian Warriors to protect the domain between human and faery. But most importantly, these warriors were only to assist the humans and steer a new course in the mortal world.
When evil threatened to destroy a clan, country, or civilization, the Fae council called upon these warriors. This group of elite Fae had the power to travel through the Veil of Ages, supporting those in need. They were not to alter the timeline or what the Fae believed to be the life strings of a human. To do so, would be catastrophic.
Ancient and powerful, the Brotherhood of the Fenian Warriors was second only to the Fae King and Queen’s powers. They have lived amongst mortals for thousands of years—watching, aiding, guiding. They could live in the guise of a professor, lawyer, knight, tavern owner, or a simple farmer.
Whatever was required, the warriors did so without complaint.
Yet, even these great warriors had their weaknesses as with any race. Though they used their powers for good, there have been times when a select few deemed it wiser to interfere without the knowledge of the Fae council. They twisted the laws to suit their own purpose and changed the course of time.
When three Fenian warriors left the Brotherhood to aid a clan—the Dragon Knights of Urquhart, they brought the fury of the Fae down upon their heads. Their punishment should have been swift, but the Fae always believed in redemption—even for one of their own.
A trial was ordered for all three Fae. Conn MacRoich and Rory MacGregor have given their accounts. Their judgments have been pronounced. Now the third Fenian Warrior, Liam MacGregor, must face the Fae council and give his report. However, the council is concerned with only one action this Fenian Warrior dared to defy.
When Liam took Fae Warrior, Aidan Kerrigan—an outcast among his own people—through the Veil of Ages, he broke a sacred law. The council gave no care that Aidan was once their most elite Fenian Warrior. Nor did they concern themselves with Aidan’s plea to rescue his daughter trapped in medieval Scotland. Therefore, Liam deemed his loyalty was greater to his mentor and granted Aidan’s request.
He evaded his trial for several years, until he was captured by the Fae guards after the great battle against the evil druid, Lachlan. Though Liam’s punishment would surely be death, the council must still hear his account before he is sentenced.
However, deep within the realm, another Fae can no longer watch from the shadows. She is one who will not let Liam suffer death’s blow by her own people. No matter the severity of his crimes, she cannot allow him to die. Her mind and heart can find no other solution. She will risk her own life and her freedom to release him from his chains.
Time is fleeting. She must act swiftly. If she succeeds, she may well bring about the destruction of both worlds—Fae and human.
All for him. All for love.
Chapter One
Beneath the Hill of Tara, Ireland—Winter, the season of contemplation and meditation in the Fae Realm.
Snowflakes danced in a prism of muted colors over the top of the glass dome. They glittered from the weak sunlight, casting an eerie glow inside his prison. Each snowflake in the Fae realm was unique, existing for a solitary moment in time until they became one with the others. Their beauty was a constant he had always taken for granted and disregarded.
Now they mocked him with their freedom, melting in a puddle of water and rolling down the sides of the walls.
As Liam stood rooted to the ground, he continued to become fixated with the swirling mass above him. Envy and bitterness dug their claws into his soul, and his gut soured.
How many seasons had he witnessed? Was it a full four? Time no longer concerned him. He understood his fate. Yet, he could not fathom why the Fae council made him endure an isolated existence in the Room of Reflection. Death should have come swiftly upon his return.
When he first arrived, Liam had prepared himself for the welcome of death’s embrace and fought with his guards when he was placed inside his prison. No news was given to him. Only food, drink, books, and writing materials were provided. Even his attempt to reason with his captors only brought silence from his guards.
Days, weeks, and months bled into the next, and he cursed them all for abandoning him here.
With each new season, the tide of melancholy wove its way into his soul—splintering more of the Fae warrior. However, he refused to give into despair and shadows. His anger became a fortitude of strength. His control became his shield. He harnessed and fought back the anguish within his soul. Often times he lashed out at Mother Danu, begging for advice. And she responded in riddles, confusing him further.
“Stone me, flog and strip the skin from my bones, but do not leave me in this pit of despair and silence. I am ready for my death. Let it be done!”
Letting out a frustrated sigh, Liam lifted his hand upward and stretched his fingers as far as he could extend. “I may not feel the icy sting of your touch, but I remember.”
He balled his hand into a fist and lowered his arm. The elements tormented him within his soul, and he shook with rage. Anger at those who continued to ignore him. Anger at the injustice of laws he sought to change during his lifetime.
His own people kept him a prisoner in a cell, tormenting Liam with what he could not control. The ability to manipulate his own fate and to touch the passing seasons. His prison was a mockery.
Nonetheless, each day he honored the passing of the light and dark. He remained steadfast in his training, and refused to succumb to the darkness—tempting his soul to lash out at any who came near him.
Defeat was not an option. It had been drilled into him since his induction into the Brotherhood. Though the great warrior was dead, Liam heard the words repeatedly in his mind by their leader and mentor, Aidan Kerrigan.
“I will not fail you, Aidan. Ever.”
Turning away from the glass dome, Liam walked to his desk. As he braced his hands on the smooth wood, he tried to center his soul for the day. If he could control his mind, his heart and soul would follow. He stilled the thoughts of fury and anguish, attempting to calm his breathing and prepare for another day.
During the daylight Liam wrote in the journals, recalling everything Aidan had taught him. From ancient lore, research, archaeology, and the history of the human world. Hours passed in study, and when the sunlight slipped into darkness, Liam trained his body as that of a warrior. Because he required little sleep, his mind and body were kept sharpened in this fashion of exercise.
When the council saw fit to retrieve him, Liam would walk to his death as a strong warrior. There would be no softness or despair to show them.
Although in retrospect, there was one sliver of regret that haunted him. He had made his peace, but often times, he questioned his decision in agreeing to take Aidan back in time to rescue his daughter. Liam never considered the action would result in his friend’s death. They both had understood the risks, but never fathomed death would be the outcome.
“Would I do it again?” he muttered into the silence of his chamber and shook his head. “By the Gods, Aidan. What were you thinking?” He chuckled with a dry and cynical sound. “Yes, I know. You would have done anything for your daughter, Aileen.”
Liam sat down slowly. His fingers brushed over the quills and parchments. Images from another time seeped into his thoughts, reminding him that his friend sought to travel the Veil of Ages by any means. Though he had been stripped of his powers and immortality, Aidan still possessed his Fae blood—his heritage. Liam often mused if the great warrior would have requested assistance from the elders, or even Mother Danu herself if he had refused to do as Aidan asked.
“By the hounds, you must, Liam!” Aidan paced the grounds of Arbroath Abbey, intent on getting his demand granted.
Liam raked a hand through his hair. “You dare to ask me to tamper with the Veil of Ages? You who were—are my mentor.”
Aidan’s steps stilled. He pierced him wit
h a look of savage fire. “Did I ask you to alter a timeline? No! Only to take me to my daughter.” He pointed at the ruins. “She has vanished to an unknown time! One where danger lurks everywhere. How can she survive?”
“Did you not consider that this is her destiny?” Liam snapped and confronted his friend. “She has already made a connection to the Dragon Knight when she saw him on the tapestry in the Great Hall.”
“I’ll kill him, if he touches one finger on my daughter.”
“Listen to yourself. You’re not speaking as a Fenian Warrior!”
“Because I’m no longer one, or did you forget?”
Liam clenched his hands. “How many times have you spouted that even though the Fae stripped you of your powers and markings, your blood and oath as a warrior will never falter? Now, because you don’t like certain events, you will disavow all your oaths?” He stepped nearer. “You are not a human, Aidan.”
“No. I am a father! Duty bound to shield and protect my child.” Aidan glanced over his shoulder at the ruins. “She is all I have left of her mother. I can’t lose her like I did Rose.”
Unable to fathom his friend’s feelings, Liam remained silent. Even after the passing of years, he still found it difficult to understand why Aidan defied an entire kingdom to marry a human. He had no words for his friend when he was banished long ago, and now he fought the growing fury at Aidan’s request to break more Fae laws.
Aidan returned his attention to him. “If I gain permission, will you take me through the Veil of Ages?”
Liam snorted in disgust. “How can you seek authorization when you have been barred from the realm?”
There was a faint glint of humor in Aidan’s eyes. “Aye, I am unable to enter my former world, but that doesn’t mean I can’t communicate with my family. Are we in agreement?”
Folding his arms over his chest, Liam replied, “If the request is granted by another Fae, I will escort you through the Veil. But be warned, in doing so—”
Aidan clamped a hand on his shoulder. “Could bring about both our deaths? Yes, I understand the consequences, but I intend to return and clear your name. I shall not allow any harm to come to you. This is my decision.”